# The banner image of tag page # format: # - tag name: xxxxx tag_per_img:
# 分类页面顶部图 category_img:
# The banner image of category page # format: # - category name: xxxxx category_per_img:
## 封面配置 cover: # display the cover or not (是否顯示文章封面) index_enable: true aside_enable: true archives_enable: true # the position of cover in home page (封面顯示的位置) # left/right/both position: both (當沒有設置cover時,默認的封面顯示) default_cover: - https://i.loli.net/2020/05/01/gkihqEjXxJ5UZ1C.jpg
## 文章配置 post_meta: page: # Home Page date_type: created # created or updated or both 主頁文章日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示 date_format: date # date/relative 顯示日期還是相對日期 categories: true # true or false 主頁是否顯示分類 tags: false # true or false 主頁是否顯示標籤 label: true # true or false 顯示描述性文字 post: date_type: both # created or updated or both 文章頁日期是創建日或者更新日或都顯示 date_format: date # date/relative 顯示日期還是相對日期 categories: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示分類 tags: true # true or false 文章頁是否顯示標籤 label: true # true or false 顯示描述性文字
# 锚点配置 anchor: # when you scroll, the URL will update according to header id. auto_update: false # Click the headline to scroll and update the anchor click_to_scroll: false
# figcaption (圖片描述文字) photofigcaption: false
# 复制功能的配置 # copyright: Add the copyright information after copied content (複製的內容後面加上版權信息) copy: enable: true # 是否开启网站复制权限 copyright: enable: false # 是否开启复制版权信息添加 limit_count: 50 # 字数限制,当复制文字大于这个字数限制时,将在复制的内容后面加上版权信息
# 文章编辑器配置 # Easily browse and edit blog source code online. post_edit: enable: false # url: https://github.com/user-name/repo-name/edit/branch-name/subdirectory-name/ # For example: https://github.com/jerryc127/butterfly.js.org/edit/main/source/ url:
# 文章推荐配置 related_post: enable: true limit: 6 # Number of posts displayed date_type: created # or created or updated 文章日期顯示創建日或者更新日
# post_pagination (分頁) # value: 1 || 2 || false # 1: The 'next post' will link to old post # 2: The 'next post' will link to new post # false: disable pagination post_pagination: 1
# Displays outdated notice for a post (文章過期提醒) noticeOutdate: enable: false style: flat # style: simple/flat limit_day: 500 # When will it be shown position: top # position: top/bottom message_prev: It has been message_next: days since the last update, the content of the article may be outdated.
aside: enable: true hide: false button: true mobile: true # display on mobile position: left # left or right display: archive: true tag: true category: true card_author: enable: true description: button: enable: true icon: fas fa-video text: 关注我 link: https://space.bilibili.com/286666708/ card_announcement: enable: true content: 微信公众号:ZERO开发,致力于为猿友们提供有价值的内容 card_recent_post: enable: true limit: 5 # if set 0 will show all sort: date # date or updated sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_categories: enable: true limit: 8 # if set 0 will show all expand: none # none/true/false sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_tags: enable: true limit: 40 # if set 0 will show all color: false orderby: random # Order of tags, random/name/length order: 1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_archives: enable: true type: monthly # yearly or monthly format: MMMM YYYY # eg: YYYY年MM月 order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending limit: 8 # if set 0 will show all sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_webinfo: enable: true post_count: true last_push_date: true sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works card_post_series: enable: true series_title: false # The title shows the series name orderBy: 'date' # Order by title or date order: -1 # Sort of order. 1, asc for ascending; -1, desc for descending
# busuanzi count for PV / UV in site # 訪問人數 busuanzi: site_uv: true site_pv: true page_pv: true
# Time difference between publish date and now (網頁運行時間) # Formal: Month/Day/Year Time or Year/Month/Day Time runtimeshow: enable: false publish_date:
# Aside widget - 最新评论 newest_comments: enable: true sort_order: # Don't modify the setting unless you know how it works limit: 6 storage: 10 # unit: mins, save data to localStorage avatar: true
# Bottom right button (右下角按鈕) # --------------------------------------
# Conversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese (簡繁轉換) translate: enable: false # The text of a button default: 繁 # the language of website (1 - Traditional Chinese/ 2 - Simplified Chinese) defaultEncoding: 2 # Time delay translateDelay: 0 # The text of the button when the language is Simplified Chinese msgToTraditionalChinese: '繁' # The text of the button when the language is Traditional Chinese msgToSimplifiedChinese: '簡'
# Read Mode (閲讀模式) readmode: true
# Local search (hexo-generator-search创建搜索) local_search: enable: true # Preload the search data when the page loads. preload: false # Show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1 top_n_per_article: 1 # Unescape html strings to the readable one. unescape: false CDN:
# Comments System (评论系统) # -------------------------------------- # 评论配置 comments: # Up to two comments system, the first will be shown as default # Choose: Disqus/Disqusjs/Livere/Gitalk/Valine/Waline/Utterances/Facebook Comments/Twikoo/Giscus/Remark42/Artalk use: gitalk # Valine,Disqus text: true # Display the comment name next to the button # lazyload: The comment system will be load when comment element enters the browser's viewport. # If you set it to true, the comment count will be invalid lazyload: true count: false # Display comment count in post's top_img card_post_count: false # Display comment count in Home Page